The Hamas terrorist who killed 30 Israelis in 2002 by now receives 20,000 NOK a month, according to The Times of Israel last September the 9th. Recently the remuneration for suicide bombers was tripled. Especially since the current left-wing Labor government took office in 2005, the donations have exploded. Let’s take a look at the statistics: Norway is one of the smallest countries in the world, and one of the largest contributors to the Palestinian Authority (PA) and others, with annual donations of over 700 Million NOK. The junior minister asked me what I meant by my leading article on December the 20th (“In bed with the enemy”) in which I stated that Norwegian checkbook diplomacy is de facto supportive of terrorist organizations that display significant intolerance towards Christians, Jews, gays or other minorities who are not considered “sufficiently Islamic”. Regardless, this acknowledgement of Norwegian naïveté must lead to tangible changes in foreign policy in order to be of real value. Too often they thought they were in the service of stability, but later found out that was not the case. Torgeir Larsen, a junior minister for the Norwegian Labor Party, admits in Norway’s largest newspaper Aftenposten on December 28, 2012, that Norwegian authorities closed their eyes to the realities of the Middle East.

It was originally published in Aftenposten, Norway’s largest newspaper, on January 15th, 2013, and has been translated by the author. The following op-ed by Hanne Nabintu Herland concerns the Norwegian government’s persistent soft spot for the Palestinians.